The alumni team is made up of former students and, like the advisory board, advises the board of directors. The combination of many years of involvement in the club, often as board members themselves, and many years of professional experience is a great added value from which every board member can benefit.

Above all, the alumni team is committed to maintaining the large PIM&CEMS alumni network and giving its members the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. Throughout the year, the team, in collaboration with the Executive Board, organizes numerous events that are very popular and are now firmly established in many people's calendars. Highlights include the regular alumni get-togethers and the water skiing event in Langenfeld.

Members also network and organize events beyond the city limits of Cologne. If you have any questions or suggestions on alumni topics, you can reach the alumni team at 

Member of the Alumni Team

Fabian Bowe has been an alumnus of the Pim&Cems Club since 2020. From 2017-2020, Fabian studied Business Administration at the University of Cologne.

At the end of 2020, Fabian started working for an IT consultant. There he mainly had the role of project manager in a downsizing project of a large IT provider in the financial sector.

Since October 2022, Fabian has been working as a project manager at TÜV Rheinland. His main tasks there are operations management for large real estate clients, supporting technical due diligences in the renewable energy sector (wind energy) and audit management.

His favorite memory of his PIM&CEMS time is the Farewell Dinner of IW Cologne from 2022, a convivial evening in a nice atmosphere.

You can find Fabian on LinkedIn at: 


Cynthia Busch came to Cologne in 2017 for her CEMS studies and joined the PIM&CEMS Club straight away. Since then, she has been a Colognian at heart and still enjoys being involved in the club as an alumna. Professionally, she has found her calling in the field of purchasing and, after several years in purchasing consulting, now works in Procurement Excellence at Deutz AG.

Her favorite memories with the PIM&CEMS Club are the Open Houses in 2018.


You can find Cynthia on LinkedIn at:


Carolin Eiting completed her Bachelor's degree at the University of Cologne before her CEMS Master's degree and had her first contact with the PIM&CEMS Club during her semester abroad. This connection then deepened significantly during her Master's degree and Carolin remains enthusiastically involved in the Club as an alumna. After various internships in internal and external consulting, Carolin now works at Strategy&, PwC's strategy consultancy.

Carolin's favorite memories of the PIM&CEMS Club are various parties such as the Oktoberfest or the winter party.   

You can find Carolin on LinkedIn at: 


Annika Krutwig

currently works as online brand manager at L'Oréal. She studied Business Administration for her bachelors degree and business administration with a major in Marketing for her master’s degree, both at the University of Cologne as well at wits Johannesburg, South Africa for her semester abroad. 

Her love for the PIM&CEMS Club began after her semester abroad in 2018 as buddy for the incoming international students. She quickly found the greatest network and friends within the association. She worked in the Marketing as well as the Events department and was a member of the organizing team of International Week Cologne from 2019-2022. Since 2023 she is part of the Alumni Team with a focus on the Mentorship Program as well as events.

Annika’s favorite memory with the PIM&CEMS Club are the international Weeks as well as the parties.

You can contact Annika at any time with any problems, questions or suggestions, regardless of the topic. 

You can find Annika on LinkedIn at:


Jens Lin joined the PIM&CEMS Club in 2014 after his stay abroad at NCCU in Taipei, Taiwan, and has enjoyed being involved in the club ever since. After holding various positions in e-commerce, Jens now works for van Laack & partners, a management consultancy specializing in procurement and DSC.

His favorite memories with the PIM&CEMS Club include the International Weeks in Cologne and International Weeks abroad.


You can find Jens on LinkedIn at: 


Berkan Poyraz fell under the spell of the PIM&CEMS Club at an early stage during his bachelor's degree. He has been an active member since the end of 2010 and part of the alumni team since the beginning of 2019, supporting the club with heart and soul in various areas.

Berkan has extensive experience in the aviation industry, where he has been working since 2016, currently as a Business Analyst in Pricing Systems for Swiss International Airlines.


Berkan's favorite memories with the PIM&CEMS Club are the Colonia Express, the International Weeks and the Uni Run.

You can find Berkan on LinkedIn at: 


Philipp Sperber came to Cologne to study in 2014 and joined the PIM&CEMS Club in 2015. He was an active member for many years and was particularly involved in the Internationals Department.

Since the beginning of 2022, Philipp has been working as Program Manager for the CEMS Master in International Management at the University of Cologne and is therefore closely connected to the club both personally and professionally.

His favorite memories include participating in various International Weeks, as well as many lively evenings in the club rooms.

You can find Philipp on LinkedIn at: