05. August 2018, 00:00 - 19. August 2018, 23:59
Apply now for International Week Tokyo Summer 2018!
Tokyo IW will take place from August 05th to 19th, 2018!
Explore Japanese culture in one unforgettable experience!
About the week
Tokyo IW is divided into two programs, one during the spring in February, and one during the summer in August. Each program selects 13-15 participants to take part in the International Week. The organizers of IW Tokyo are members of IIR and the hosts are generous host families from outside of the organization.
The aim of the program is to connect with the world, and show you the "REAL" Japan through a genuine experience provided by a highly motivated and devoted team.
Highlights Included
In both IWs you will see every inch of Tokyo (figuratively speaking of course :)), the scenery, the people, the food, the culture, the companies, the jaw dropping transportation system with highly crowded rush hour trains and the average everyday life of a family (Thanks to our generous host families who make this possible).
In the Summer program you will have the chance of climbing the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji and also going to the rural side. In the Spring program you will visit one of the oldest cities in Japan, Kyoto. (Note that the destination of the short trip may vary).
And so much more!!!
For further information regarding program and application please contact us via internationalweek@pimandcems.de until May 1st!
If you would like to know how the IW was previously, write us an email and we will send you a review from our last participant!